Incel je severoamerická subkultura, jejíž členy spojuje nemožnost navázat sexuální či romantické vztahy.. Výraz incel je zkratka anglického spojení involuntary celibate, česky „nedobrovolný celibát“, a označuje skupinu lidí, které spojuje pocit zklamání, misantropie, misogynie, rasismus a odpor k sexuálně úspěšným mužům.

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, search. Veronika Kracher is a german Incelologist and journalist. She wrote the book Incels: Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults. She writes and talks mostly negative about incels and sees most of them as misogynists and/or Alt-Rights . The Incel Wiki aims to be a repository of information regarding the manosphere at large, particularly incels. Incel, is an academic sociological term[ ext] that is short for and means, 'involuntary celibacy', a life circumstance.

Incels wiki

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The Incel Wiki aims to be a repository of information regarding the manosphere at large, particularly incels. Incel, is an academic sociological term[ ext] that is short for and means, 'involuntary celibacy', a life circumstance. Ofrivilligt celibat är tillståndet hos en vuxen person som inte har någon kärleksrelation eller har haft samlag med någon, när det är av andra anledningar än frivilligt celibat eller sexuell avhållsamhet. Antalet män är avsevärt fler än kvinnor i denna situation av ensamhet och ofrivillig barnlöshet, och har ökat snabbt på senare år.

2021-03-31 2021-03-29 2021-03-15 2021-03-31 From Incel Wiki.

Ofrivilligt celibat är tillståndet hos en vuxen person som inte har någon kärleksrelation eller har haft samlag med någon, när det är av andra anledningar än frivilligt celibat eller sexuell avhållsamhet. Antalet män är avsevärt fler än kvinnor i denna situation av ensamhet och ofrivillig barnlöshet, och har ökat snabbt på senare år. Flera skribenter avgränsar termen incel till personer som dessutom deltar i eller självidentifierar sig med Incel-rörelsen. Detta

Celibacy comes from Latin caelibatus “unmarried state”, but from the 1950s onward it was come to Definition controversy. The Donnelly Study defined incels as adults who fail to find a sexual partner for six months or Demographics of incels.

2021-02-13 · (previously, and before that is currently the largest forum outside of Reddit that self-describes as incel, but is primarily a blackpill forum rather than an incel forum. It was created by SergeantIncel on Nov. 7th, 2017, hours after the banning of /r/incels.

Incels wiki

They are alluring eyes, vertically narrow, deeply set, hooded, with a positive canthal tilt and an interpupil distance (IPD) within the normal range. From Incel Wiki. Jump to: navigation. , search.

Furthermore, with regards to any actual incels listed on this wiki, inceldom is a life circumstance, not an insult or a movement/commun Incel (/insel/) on internetin verkkofoorumeilla toimiva alakulttuuri, jonka miesryhmät yleisimpinä tuntomerkkeinä kokevat seksuaalisen ilmaisun puutetta, yksinäisyyttä ja yhteiskunnallista syrjintää. 2020-07-29 · Incels are individuals who express frustration from perceived disadvantages to starting intimate relationships. Incel extremists idolize violent individuals like the Aurora movie theater shooter.
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She wrote the book Incels: Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults. She writes and talks mostly negative about incels and sees most of them as misogynists and/or Alt-Rights . The Incel Wiki aims to be a repository of information regarding the manosphere at large, particularly incels. Incel, is an academic sociological term[ ext] that is short for and means, 'involuntary celibacy', a … Go URL .

They also idolize the Joker character, the violent clown from the Batman series, admiring his depiction as a man who must pretend to be happy , but eventually fights back against his bullies . receives about 9,526 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 226,063 in the world. uses CloudFlare, MediaWiki, PHP web technologies.
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This page was last edited on 29 March 2021, at 18:16. This page has been accessed 208 times. Privacy policy; About Incel Wiki; Disclaimers; Mobile view

If someone verifies those sources match the surrounding text, I'd be happy to write it up to Wikipedia's standard to include it here too. Kauri0.o 04:02, 10 February 2021 (UTC) 2021-04-11 · Again, incels never cite statistics like this in their reactionary rants about how "feminism bad, feminism misandristic!!1!!!11!" Background ideological falsehoods . The sexual revolution caused incels hypothesis is a central tenant of the modern "blackpill" internet philosophy and traditional conservatism in general.

Incel Wiki #crackpot "Chad", and all respective variants of it are used as a slang within the incel community for an attractive male with masculine jawline 

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Nej. 1 320 m. 1 122 m. Ribeiro, Manoel Horta; Blackburn, Jeremy (January 21, 2020). ”From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: A Data-Driven Sketch of the Manosphere”. 'arXiv:2001.07600 [cs. r\n\r\nMen så hittar jag något ännu värre: incels. Vad är nu det?